The Real Housewife of Santa Monica

Posts Tagged ‘carrots’

French Carrot Salad

This is unbelievably tasty despite or maybe due to the simplicity of the ingredients! A perfect pre-dinner salad that you can make quickly or even ahead of time.

My neighbor gives me bags of lemons from her prolific lemon tree from time to time.

I usually squeeze a bunch of them into ice cube trays and freeze the juice for later cooking use.

This time, before I start squeezing & freezing I remembered a simple carrot salad I’d just read about in La Tartine Gourmande. I noticed the book at the library and quickly photocopied a few recipes from it.

Try this!!! I mean it.

All you need:

The amounts in this recipe serve about 4 people. I would definitely double it next time but I was hand grating…

4 large carrots, peeled
1 TBSP flat leaf parsley, chopped (I used Italian parsley as that’s all I had)
2 TBSP chives, chopped

sea salt & pepper
1/4 c fresh lemon juice
1 garlic clove, minced
6 TBSP olive oil

Grate the carrots and place in large bowl. In a separate smaller bowl, combine the vinaigrette ingredients in the order listed, whisk together and pour over the carrots. Combine well with spoon. Cover & refrigerate. Dress with the fresh herbs just before serving.

Maddie ate 3 bowls in rapid succession and then asked if she could take some to school the next day. There were no leftovers.

French Carrot Salad
Recipe type: Salad
Cuisine: French
Prep time: 
Total time: 

Serves: 4

A simple & very tasty salad enjoyed by kids & adults!
  • 4 large carrots, peeled & grated
  • 1 TBSP flat-leaf parsley, chopped
  • 2 TBSP chives, chopped
  • For the vinaigrette:
  • sea salt & pepper
  • ¼ c fresh lemon juice
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 6 TBSP olive oil

  1. Grate carrots & place in a large bowl. **Don’t add herbs yet!**
  2. In another bowl, combine the vinaigrette ingredients. Whisk together & pour over carrots, stirring to combine. Cover & refrigerate.
  3. Add fresh herbs just before serving. Yum!

Source: La Tartine Gourmande

Summer Vegetable & Goat Cheese Risotto

This is AMAZING!!!! It requires a little more babysitting than I typically have time for but the stars aligned here & Bea slept through the constant stirring & checking, waking only when it was done. (Thanks, Bea!) Not only is this pretty to look at but it’s sooooooo tasty & full of veggies. A little something special. Next time I make this it will be for guests since it is such a labor of love. But still MUCH easier than I had expected…

Here’s what you need (more or less):

5 c low-sodium vegetable or chicken broth (I used vegetarian chicken flavored bullion)
2 TBSP olive oil
2 TBSP butter (unsalted if you have it)
1/2 large yellow onion, finely diced
3 carrots, peeled & finely diced
1 c asparagus, end snapped off & finely diced
1/2 c cauliflower pieces
1 c mushrooms, scrubbed & diced
1/2 tsp salt
1 TBSP olive oil (additional)
1 TBSP butter (additional)
1-1/2 c arborio rice
1-1/2 c dry white wine
1-1/2 tsp salt (more or less to taste)
1/2 c frozen peas
4 oz, goat cheese
1/2 c parmesan cheese
fresh dill for garnish
OPTIONAL: change out any veggies you like or have: broccoli, squash, bell peppers, zucchini

Let’s get started! You’ll be surprised how easy this is – I was a little intimidated to make a risotto after hearing about all the work but this wasn’t difficult at all. That said, it requires a lot more than a crock pot soup.

1. Dice onion & veggies. You want them diced finely & uniformly so they’ll cook evenly & quickly.

Which reminds me, when a recipe calls for “trimmed asparagus,” have you ever found that actually cutting it does NOT ensure the tough ends are gone? Try just snapping the end off wherever it naturally “wants” to snap. No more impossible to chew end!

Simmer broth in a small saucepan – keep it on low.

In a large pot, heat 2 TBSP of olive oil and then melt 2TBSP of butter into that.

Once it’s heated, add the diced onions, carrots. Stir & cook for 3 minutes.

Add asparagus, stir to coat & cook for another minute or so.


Add chopped mushrooms.

Add salt, stir to combine. Turnout veggies from pot onto a platter. (You’re going to use that same pot for the risotto so don’t clean it!)

Ok. Now, add the ADDITIONAL 2 TBSP olive oil to the pot/Dutch oven you just cooked the vegetables in. Heat on medium-low & add the ADDITIONAL 2 TBSP butter.

Add rice & stir (keeping heat on medium-low).

Cook for 1 minute.

Add 1/2 the wine and 1-1/2 tsp salt.

Now, get your stirrin’ hand ready. From now on you’ll be stirring a lot. Just an easy stir though – nothing too strenuous.

Stir the rice & wine every once in a while until the liquid has been absorbed. (I think you are supposed to stir constantly but I had to run and get something for Maddie or wash a dish etc. so I just stirred often.)

Here’s the liquid. You don’t want liquid. Rice wants liquid.

Now, keep adding 1 cup at a time of your simmering broth to the rice & stirring until it has been absorbed (before you add the next cup.) I think that was awkward writing. Just add a cup of the remaining broth (which is on LOW), keep stirring rice until the liquid has been absorbed. Now add another cup of broth & stir until THAT liquid has been absorbed. Capiche? This is the part that takes a while but you can do some other stuff in between stirs.

Taste your rice to see if it’s done. If it has too much bite to it, add more broth.

I didn’t actually use ALL my broth – I reserved a 1/2 c of broth to add later in case my final risotto was too thick.

Once all the liquid has been absorbed, add the peas and stir. Taste to check salt content. Add salt to taste.

Now for the REALLY yummy part: add the goat cheese & stir. It helps to slice it up a bit. I didn’t.

Add the parmesan cheese and

the vegetables

and stir to combine.

Holy smoke! Creamy, fresh & extra-special comfort food.

Who gave the baby a cupcake before dinner?



Summer Vegetable & Goat Cheese Risotto
Recipe type: Main
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 

Serves: 6-8

Extra special creamy comfort food using any fresh veg you have on hand.
  • 5 c low-sodium vegetable or chicken broth (I used vegetarian chicken flavored bullion)
  • 2 TBSP olive oil
  • 2 TBSP butter (unsalted if you have it)
  • ½ large yellow onion, finely diced
  • 3 carrots, peeled & finely diced
  • 1 c asparagus, end snapped off & finely diced
  • ½ c cauliflower pieces
  • 1 c mushrooms, scrubbed & diced
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 TBSP olive oil (additional)
  • 1 TBSP butter (additional)
  • 1-1/2 c arborio rice
  • 1-1/2 c dry white wine
  • 1-1/2 tsp salt (more or less to taste)
  • ½ c frozen peas
  • 4 oz, goat cheese
  • ½ c parmesan cheese
  • fresh dill for garnish
  • OPTIONAL: change out any veggies you like or have including: broccoli, squash, bell peppers, zucchini

  1. Dice onion & veggies. You want them diced finely & uniformly so they’ll cook evenly & quickly.
  2. Simmer broth in a small saucepan – keep it on low.
  3. In a large pot, heat 2 TBSP of olive oil and then melt 2TBSP of butter into that.
  4. Once it’s heated, add the diced onions, carrots. Stir & cook for 3 minutes.
  5. Add asparagus, stir to coat & cook for another minute or so.
  6. Add chopped mushrooms.
  7. Add salt, stir to combine. Turnout veggies from pot onto a platter. (You’re going to use that same pot for the risotto so don’t clean it!)
  8. Add the ADDITIONAL 2 TBSP olive oil to the pot/Dutch oven you just cooked the vegetables in. Heat on medium-low & add the ADDITIONAL 2 TBSP butter.
  9. Add rice & stir (keeping heat on medium-low).
  10. Cook for 1 minute.
  11. Add ½ the wine and 1-1/2 tsp salt.
  12. Stir the rice & wine every once in a while until the liquid has been absorbed. (I think you are supposed to stir constantly but I had to run and get something for Maddie or wash a dish etc. so I just stirred often.)
  13. Keep adding 1 cup at a time of your simmering broth to the rice & stirring until it has been absorbed (before you add the next cup.) I think that was awkward writing. Just add a cup of the remaining broth (which is on LOW), keep stirring rice until the liquid has been absorbed. Now add another cup of broth & stir until THAT liquid has been absorbed.
  14. Taste your rice to see if it’s done. If it has too much bite to it, add more broth.
  15. Once all the liquid has been absorbed, add the peas and stir. Taste to check salt content. Add salt to taste.
  16. Add the goat cheese & stir. It helps to slice it up a bit. I didn’t.
  17. Add the parmesan cheese and the vegetables stirring to combine.
  18. Serve with a sprig of fresh dill!

This would go well with a fresh green salad!

Source: Slightly adapted from The Pioneer Woman.

Glory Bowl


During my salad-a-day month last March, my Canadian friend Kinga sent me this recipe. It’s a really popular dish named not after anything in the movie Porky’s but rather a ski bowl at Whitewater Ski Resort in Nelson, British Columbia. It took me a while to get over to Whole Foods for the nutritional yeast flakes. I had never heard of them & tried to never go to Whole Foods for various reasons. Also, when I read this recipe it sounded a little TOO healthy in that unsatisfying way some restaurant salads are. So I put it off.

Finally I had all the ingredients and decided to go for it. It’s SO WORTH IT!!!! SOOOOO WORTH IT!!!!! It’s amazing – something that looks like a pile of what G would call “Rabbit Food” but is so flavorful, satisfying & doesn’t weigh you down.

You’ve got to try this. Although it has a lot of components, the prep for each one is pretty simple.

Here’s what you need for the salad:

**NOTE: this makes enough for 8 people so you may want to halve it, which is what I did.**

2 TBSP vegetable oil
2 c cubed extra firm tofu (remember to press water out first!)
8 c hot cooked brown rice
2 c grated carrots
2 c grated beets
2 c packed baby spinach
2 c slivered or slice almonds, toasted

For the dressing:

and this:

1/2 c nutritional yeast flakes
1/3 c soy sauce (or tamari)
1/3 c apple cider vinegar
1/3 c water
2 TBSP tahini
2 cloves garlic, crushed or minced
1-1/2 c vegetable oil

1. First, press your tofu. You can need to press it for about 15 minutes and can do that while making the dressing.

2. While that’s a-pressin’, add all your dressing ingredients to the blender & puree until creamy!

(Note: Properly stored, this can be kept for up to ONE week in the refrigerator.)

3. Cook your rice. I found this quick cook brown rice at Trader Joe’s. Takes about 10 mins instead of 45 mins so I did it! You can also find pre-cooked brown rice in the FREEZER section at Trader Joe’s. Just pop in micro for about 3 mins. That’s what I do when I’m in a crunch. **NOTE: if you’re using the regular brown rice – start this earlier according to how much time you need. You can always heat it up if you need to.**

4. Now prep your veggies. As you may or may not know (or care) I use a hand grater. Builds character.

5. Time to lightly pan fry that tofu! Heat oil over medium-high heat in a large skillet. I sprinkle a few pinches of salt over the tofu and turn when it’s golden brown. After all sides are lightly browned, drain on a paper towel lined plate.

6. Now for the fun part: ASSEMBLY! Add your rice layer in a nice sized bowl.

Drizzle about a tablespoon of dressing over the rice.

Top rice with spinach.

Add carrots & beets.

Now the almonds.

The tofu and about 3 more TBSP of the dressing.

Bea loved this dish! She doesn’t have that many teeth yet so she had some trouble chewing the spinach but she ate 2 bowls of this.

M ate only the rice.

Thanks, Kinga!

Glory Bowl
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 

Serves: 8

  • 2 TBSP vegetable oil
  • 2 c cubed extra firm tofu (remember to press water out first!)
  • 8 c hot cooked brown rice
  • 2 c grated carrots
  • 2 c grated beets
  • 2 c packed baby spinach
  • 2 c slivered or slice almonds, toasted
  • ½ c nutritional yeast flakes
  • ⅓ c soy sauce (or tamari)
  • ⅓ c apple cider vinegar
  • ⅓ c water
  • 2 TBSP tahini
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed or minced
  • 1-1/2 c vegetable oil

  1. First, press your tofu. This needs about 15-30 mins and can be done while making the dressing, cooking the rice & grating the carrots/beets.
  2. While that’s a-pressin’, add all your dressing ingredients to the blender & puree until creamy! (OR start your rice – depending on your cook time.)
  3. Cook your rice. I found this quick cook brown rice at Trader Joe’s. Takes about 10 mins instead of 45 mins so I did it! You can also find pre-cooked brown rice in the FREEZER section at Trader Joe’s. Just pop in micro for about 3 mins. That’s what I do when I’m in a crunch.
  4. Now prep your veggies. As you may or may not know (or care) I use a hand grater. Builds character.
  5. Time to lightly pan fry that tofu! Heat oil over medium-high heat in a large skillet. I sprinkle a few pinches of salt over the tofu and turn when it’s golden brown. After all sides are lightly browned, drain on a paper towel lined plate.
  6. Now for the fun part: ASSEMBLY! Add your rice layer in a nice sized bowl. Drizzle about a tablespoon of dressing over the rice. Top rice with spinach. Add carrots & beets.
  7. Now the almonds, the tofu and about 3 more TBSP of the dressing.
  8. Glory, glory!!!

1. Start your rice depending on how much time you need. You’ll want warm rice to put in your bowl. Or you can always reheat your rice if you’ve made it ahead of time. 2. The dressing will keep for up to a week, properly stored in the fridge. 3. Definitely halve this recipe if you need to. This is for EIGHT people!



Source: Canadian Living Magazine

Chunky Cauliflower Cheddar Soup

Hoo boy – I bought this head of cauliflower at the Farmer’s Market on Wednesday because it was $1.00. I thought I’d roast it and eat it, standing at the counter, while the kids ate their noodles. But then I realized, since I had a loaf of rustic bread all ready to pop into the oven, I better make a soup to go with it.

Last time I did a cauliflower soup, it was a creamy one with cheddar cheese and a potato. Alas, I had no potatoes having used them up in my Gardener’s Pie last week so I checked out another recipe. It was easy! I was able to do this while unloading the dishwasher, helping someone to various art supplies spread far & wide across the house, and picking up all the toys scattered across the backyard.

But I’m glad you didn’t see the kitchen/house afterwards!


2 TBSP olive oil
1/2 onion, finely chopped
2-3 carrots, finely diced
2 celery stalks, finely diced
1-1/2 heads cauliflower, roughly chopped (I only had 1)
2 tsp fresh parsley (or 1 tsp dried parsley flakes)
2 quarts low-sodium vegetable broth (I used Vegetarian Chicken Bullion)
2 tsp dijon mustard
2/3 c grated cheddar cheese
4 TBSP butter
2 c whole milk
6 TBSP all purpose flour
OPTIONAL: 1 c half & half

1. Saute onion in olive oil over medium heat for 4-5 minutes, until browning, stirring occasionally.

2. Add carrots & celery and cook for another 4 minutes.

I used a red onion because I had it! To me, it made no difference.

Lookit how cute and tinily diced those carrots & celery are.


3. Add the cauliflower & parsley. Hoo boy it’s time for me to get a new parsley plant. I need two going at all times as my poor parsley can’t keep up with the demands placed upon it. This is all I could get!

That “undead” finger is actually my pinky. So photogenic!

I only had one head of cauliflower but next time I’ll use 1-1/2 heads as my soup needed more.

Turn heat way down, cover & cook for about 15 minutes on LOW. Feel free to stir every so often.

4. Add 1 or 1-1/2 quarts of the broth. Save that last 1/2 quart to decide if you need it or not depending on how you like your soup. Heat to boiling, then turn down heat and simmer.

5. Melt butter in a small saucepan. I used the same soup pot I started my soup in until realizing that pot was way too small. So there are a few onions in there. No bigs!

6. Now whisk your milk & flour together. Add that mixture to the melted butter, stirring to combine. **Now here’s an option for you: add 1 c half & half to the white sauce you just made. I didn’t do that b/c I never have half & half in my house.** You will have a thickened sauce. Pour that milk/flour/butter mixture into the soup and stir.

7. Add 2 tsp dijon mustard to the soup as well as 2/3 c grated cheddar cheese. I think mine needed the cheese because I used 1% milk instead of whole milk. If you use whole milk AND half & half, you might want to omit the cheese. Or add it! What, me worry?

Let soup simmer for another 15 minutes. Add salt & black pepper to taste!

Serve with rustic bread

& grated cheddar to top.

Thank you.

Bea ate 2 bowls of soup. Btw: who noticed the dog bite on her (camera) left cheek?


Cauliflower Cheddar Soup
Recipe type: Soup
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 

Serves: 6

Hearty, cheesy soup that goes perfectly with a crusty piece of bread on a cold night!
  • 2 TBSP olive oil
  • ½ onion, finely chopped
  • 2-3 carrots, finely diced
  • 2 celery stalks, finely diced
  • 1-1/2 heads cauliflower, roughly chopped (I only had 1)
  • 2 tsp fresh parsley (or 1 tsp dried parsley flakes)
  • 2 quarts low-sodium vegetable broth (I used Vegetarian Chicken Bullion)
  • 2 tsp dijon mustard
  • ⅔ c grated cheddar cheese
  • 4 TBSP butter
  • 2 c whole milk
  • 6 TBSP all purpose flour
  • OPTIONAL: 1 c half & half

  1. Saute onion in olive oil over medium heat for 4-5 minutes, until browning, stirring occasionally.
  2. Add carrots & celery and cook for another 4 minutes.
  3. Add the cauliflower & parsley.
  4. Turn heat way down, cover & cook for about 15 minutes on LOW. Feel free to stir every so often.
  5. Add 1 or 1-1/2 quarts of the broth. Save that last ½ quart to decide if you need it or not depending on how you like your soup. Heat to boiling, then turn down heat and simmer.
  6. Melt butter in a small saucepan.
  7. Now whisk your milk & flour together. Add that mixture to the melted butter, stirring to combine. **Now here’s an option for you: add 1 c half & half to the white sauce you just made. (For extra creaminess…)** Regardless of the half & half, you will have a thickened sauce. Pour that milk/flour/butter mixture into the soup and stir.
  8. Add 2 tsp dijon mustard to the soup as well as ⅔ c grated cheddar cheese. I think mine needed the cheese because I used 1% milk instead of whole milk. If you use whole milk AND half & half, you might want to omit the cheese. Or add it! What, me worry?
  9. Let soup simmer for another 15 minutes. Add salt & black pepper to taste!
  10. Serve with rustic bread & grated cheddar to top.

If soup is too chunky, puree ⅓rd of it using a blender or immersion blender. Be CAREFUL if you use a regular blender as the heat can make it explode out! It never happened to me – it happened to a “friend” of mine.

Adapted from two different recipes at The Pioneer Woman & Annie’s Eats.

Spicy Moroccan Carrot Salad & Yoghurt


Normally I spell yogurt without the “h” on account of I’m an American. But since I made it (the yog[h]urt) myself, I feel it needs an “h” to impart some sort of artisanal value to it.

What the #$@%??

Anyway – yog(h)urt how-to in next posting..

This can be a pretty spicy dish but the yogurt cuts the spice beautifully! Or you can halve the chili pepper amount. YUM I love this salad! Next time, when I’ll surely have my wits about me, I plan on serving it with the pilaf Yotam recommends. But at this point in life, I’m a single course meal type of gal.

Yotam tends to use “exotic” ingredients so I’ve adjusted this recipe to what I can get without visiting 3 more shops.

Here’s what you need:

and this:

2 lbs carrots, sliced into 1/2″ thick coins or semi-circles
1/3 c olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped finely
1 tsp sugar
3 garlic cloves, crushed
2 medium green chilies, finely chopped (I used Jalapeños)
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground coriander
3/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp sweet paprika (I didn’t have this so I omitted it)
1 tsp ground cumin
1 TBSP white wine vinegar
1 TBSP chopped preserved lemon (I used 2 TBSP lemon juice instead)
2-1/2 c cilantro leaves, chopped
Greek yogurt, chilled (I made my own yoghurt!)

1. Slice carrots into 1/2″ thick coins or semi-circles, for even cooking.

Put carrots in large pot and cover with salted water. Bring to a boil, then simmer on low for about 10 minutes. Carrots should be tender but crunchy.

2. In a large pan, heat the oil and sautee onion for about 12 minutes on medium until onion is browned. Be sure to stir every few minutes for even cooking.

3. Add everything else EXCEPT the cilantro & yogurt.

Stir and remove from heat. Salt to taste and allow to cool.

4. Just before serving stir in cilantro.

Serve in individual bowls with a dollop of yogurt.


5.0 from 1 reviews

Spicy Moroccan Carrot Salad
Recipe type: Side
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 

Serves: 4-6

Spicy carrot salad served warm or cold. Adjust spices to your liking!
  • 2 lbs carrots, sliced into ½” thick coins or semi-circles
  • ⅓ c olive oil
  • 1 medium onion, chopped finely
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 3 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 2 medium green chilies, finely chopped (I used Jalapeños)
  • ⅛ tsp ground cloves
  • ¼ tsp ground ginger
  • ½ tsp ground coriander
  • ¾ tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp sweet paprika (I didn’t have this so I omitted it)
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 TBSP white wine vinegar
  • 1 TBSP chopped preserved lemon (I used 2 TBSP lemon juice instead)
  • 2-1/2 c cilantro leaves, chopped
  • Greek yogurt, chilled (I made my own yoghurt!)

  1. Slice carrots into ½” thick coins or semi-circles, for even cooking. Put carrots in large pot and cover with salted water. Bring to a boil, then simmer on low for about 10 minutes. Carrots should be tender but crunchy.
  2. In a large pan, heat the oil and sautee onion for about 12 minutes on medium until onion is browned. Be sure to stir every few minutes for even cooking.
  3. Add everything else EXCEPT the cilantro & yogurt. Stir and remove from heat. Salt to taste and allow to cool.
  4. Just before serving stir in cilantro.
  5. Serve in individual bowls with a dollop of yogurt.

Adjust the amount of chilis (I used jalapeños) you use to achieve the spiciness you like. You can also remove the seeds from the jalapeños to cut the heat. Wear gloves while doing this so you don’t get the spice on your hands like I did.


Source: slightly adapted from “Plenty” by Yotam Ottolenghi

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