The Real Housewife of Santa Monica

Summer Vegetable & Goat Cheese Risotto

This is AMAZING!!!! It requires a little more babysitting than I typically have time for but the stars aligned here & Bea slept through the constant stirring & checking, waking only when it was done. (Thanks, Bea!) Not only is this pretty to look at but it’s sooooooo tasty & full of veggies. A little something special. Next time I make this it will be for guests since it is such a labor of love. But still MUCH easier than I had expected…

Here’s what you need (more or less):

5 c low-sodium vegetable or chicken broth (I used vegetarian chicken flavored bullion)
2 TBSP olive oil
2 TBSP butter (unsalted if you have it)
1/2 large yellow onion, finely diced
3 carrots, peeled & finely diced
1 c asparagus, end snapped off & finely diced
1/2 c cauliflower pieces
1 c mushrooms, scrubbed & diced
1/2 tsp salt
1 TBSP olive oil (additional)
1 TBSP butter (additional)
1-1/2 c arborio rice
1-1/2 c dry white wine
1-1/2 tsp salt (more or less to taste)
1/2 c frozen peas
4 oz, goat cheese
1/2 c parmesan cheese
fresh dill for garnish
OPTIONAL: change out any veggies you like or have: broccoli, squash, bell peppers, zucchini

Let’s get started! You’ll be surprised how easy this is – I was a little intimidated to make a risotto after hearing about all the work but this wasn’t difficult at all. That said, it requires a lot more than a crock pot soup.

1. Dice onion & veggies. You want them diced finely & uniformly so they’ll cook evenly & quickly.

Which reminds me, when a recipe calls for “trimmed asparagus,” have you ever found that actually cutting it does NOT ensure the tough ends are gone? Try just snapping the end off wherever it naturally “wants” to snap. No more impossible to chew end!

Simmer broth in a small saucepan – keep it on low.

In a large pot, heat 2 TBSP of olive oil and then melt 2TBSP of butter into that.

Once it’s heated, add the diced onions, carrots. Stir & cook for 3 minutes.

Add asparagus, stir to coat & cook for another minute or so.


Add chopped mushrooms.

Add salt, stir to combine. Turnout veggies from pot onto a platter. (You’re going to use that same pot for the risotto so don’t clean it!)

Ok. Now, add the ADDITIONAL 2 TBSP olive oil to the pot/Dutch oven you just cooked the vegetables in. Heat on medium-low & add the ADDITIONAL 2 TBSP butter.

Add rice & stir (keeping heat on medium-low).

Cook for 1 minute.

Add 1/2 the wine and 1-1/2 tsp salt.

Now, get your stirrin’ hand ready. From now on you’ll be stirring a lot. Just an easy stir though – nothing too strenuous.

Stir the rice & wine every once in a while until the liquid has been absorbed. (I think you are supposed to stir constantly but I had to run and get something for Maddie or wash a dish etc. so I just stirred often.)

Here’s the liquid. You don’t want liquid. Rice wants liquid.

Now, keep adding 1 cup at a time of your simmering broth to the rice & stirring until it has been absorbed (before you add the next cup.) I think that was awkward writing. Just add a cup of the remaining broth (which is on LOW), keep stirring rice until the liquid has been absorbed. Now add another cup of broth & stir until THAT liquid has been absorbed. Capiche? This is the part that takes a while but you can do some other stuff in between stirs.

Taste your rice to see if it’s done. If it has too much bite to it, add more broth.

I didn’t actually use ALL my broth – I reserved a 1/2 c of broth to add later in case my final risotto was too thick.

Once all the liquid has been absorbed, add the peas and stir. Taste to check salt content. Add salt to taste.

Now for the REALLY yummy part: add the goat cheese & stir. It helps to slice it up a bit. I didn’t.

Add the parmesan cheese and

the vegetables

and stir to combine.

Holy smoke! Creamy, fresh & extra-special comfort food.

Who gave the baby a cupcake before dinner?



Summer Vegetable & Goat Cheese Risotto
Recipe type: Main
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 

Serves: 6-8

Extra special creamy comfort food using any fresh veg you have on hand.
  • 5 c low-sodium vegetable or chicken broth (I used vegetarian chicken flavored bullion)
  • 2 TBSP olive oil
  • 2 TBSP butter (unsalted if you have it)
  • ½ large yellow onion, finely diced
  • 3 carrots, peeled & finely diced
  • 1 c asparagus, end snapped off & finely diced
  • ½ c cauliflower pieces
  • 1 c mushrooms, scrubbed & diced
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 TBSP olive oil (additional)
  • 1 TBSP butter (additional)
  • 1-1/2 c arborio rice
  • 1-1/2 c dry white wine
  • 1-1/2 tsp salt (more or less to taste)
  • ½ c frozen peas
  • 4 oz, goat cheese
  • ½ c parmesan cheese
  • fresh dill for garnish
  • OPTIONAL: change out any veggies you like or have including: broccoli, squash, bell peppers, zucchini

  1. Dice onion & veggies. You want them diced finely & uniformly so they’ll cook evenly & quickly.
  2. Simmer broth in a small saucepan – keep it on low.
  3. In a large pot, heat 2 TBSP of olive oil and then melt 2TBSP of butter into that.
  4. Once it’s heated, add the diced onions, carrots. Stir & cook for 3 minutes.
  5. Add asparagus, stir to coat & cook for another minute or so.
  6. Add chopped mushrooms.
  7. Add salt, stir to combine. Turnout veggies from pot onto a platter. (You’re going to use that same pot for the risotto so don’t clean it!)
  8. Add the ADDITIONAL 2 TBSP olive oil to the pot/Dutch oven you just cooked the vegetables in. Heat on medium-low & add the ADDITIONAL 2 TBSP butter.
  9. Add rice & stir (keeping heat on medium-low).
  10. Cook for 1 minute.
  11. Add ½ the wine and 1-1/2 tsp salt.
  12. Stir the rice & wine every once in a while until the liquid has been absorbed. (I think you are supposed to stir constantly but I had to run and get something for Maddie or wash a dish etc. so I just stirred often.)
  13. Keep adding 1 cup at a time of your simmering broth to the rice & stirring until it has been absorbed (before you add the next cup.) I think that was awkward writing. Just add a cup of the remaining broth (which is on LOW), keep stirring rice until the liquid has been absorbed. Now add another cup of broth & stir until THAT liquid has been absorbed.
  14. Taste your rice to see if it’s done. If it has too much bite to it, add more broth.
  15. Once all the liquid has been absorbed, add the peas and stir. Taste to check salt content. Add salt to taste.
  16. Add the goat cheese & stir. It helps to slice it up a bit. I didn’t.
  17. Add the parmesan cheese and the vegetables stirring to combine.
  18. Serve with a sprig of fresh dill!

This would go well with a fresh green salad!

Source: Slightly adapted from The Pioneer Woman.

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2 comments on Summer Vegetable & Goat Cheese Risotto

  1. Lib
    May 22, 2012 at 3:48 pm (4512 days ago)

    OMG that looks YUM!!! Another recipe I need to try and another reason to go get a dutch oven! lol

  2. Andrew
    May 22, 2012 at 7:20 pm (4512 days ago)

    huh huh. You said dutch oven…..Allison

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